Solstice, a science-fiction film concept I created, follows a dive team’s exploration of the strange evolution of marine plants and animals in Monterey Bay. This title sequence project provided an excellent opportunity to utilize the puppet tool in After Effects, as well as illustrate various mysterious underwater scenes. (Side note: all of my character’s names include a marine-themed pun!)
Keeping the cool, mysterious tones prominent, I collected a variety of imagery for inspiration. Then, I illustrated a few style frames in which I explored a few different color schemes. From here, I was ready to begin sketching characters and storyboard frames.
While studying the motion of swimmers, I watched scuba diving videos, hand-sketched a looping animation, and even did a borderline ridiculous amount of pantomime swimming in my house! How do swimmers move? How does their environment change around them as they swim?
Keeping the cool, mysterious tones prominent, I collected a variety of imagery for inspiration. Then, I illustrated a few style frames in which I explored a few different color schemes. From here, I was ready to begin sketching characters and storyboard frames.